Rock Hill Communities
- South Carolina
- Rock Hill
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- South Carolina
- Rock Hill
Discover Rock Hill
Rock Hill, South Carolina, is the largest city in York County. The area is home to nearly 74,000, residents, which is the right size for people looking to live in a close-knit community. Founded as a rail town, Rock Hill was a troop depot during the Civil War. Today, the area economy thrives on various industry, including textiles. When looking for homes for sale in Rock Hill SC, check out the large pillars along the Gateway Intersection that symbolize Industry, Knowledge, Inspiration and Energy, the bases of the local economy.
About Rock Hill:
Part of the overall Charlotte statistical metro area, Rock Hill sits 25 miles south of its larger North Carolina neighbor. Rock Hill SC real estate is a wise investment for families and individuals who want to be near a major city yet enjoy the relatively quiet lifestyle in the...