Raleigh North Communities
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- Raleigh North
Discover Raleigh North
Welcome to Raleigh, NC! North Raleigh real estate is among the most competitive and valuable in the nation. Raleigh real estate is expanding at a rapid pace making Raleigh area homes appreciate by as much as five percent annually.
About North Raleigh:
Job seekers can find high-end careers and earn a wealthier, more stable income than almost anywhere in the nation. Research Triangle Park is home to several international companies and the work force is estimated to grow by 100,000 jobs in the coming years.
This area also has a deep and rich history. Before Raleigh was the Capital of North Carolina, it did not even exist. New Bern was the Capital before Raleigh until it was destroyed by the British in the Revolutionary War. Raleigh was then founded in 1789 and modeled after the then capital of the United States, Philadelphia Pennsylvania. Raleigh...